Project Management

The New Game Plan for Strategic Planning
Businesses today must keep pace with unprecedented change. Some can react quickly, while others struggle....

The Essential Guide to Supplier Invoices in the UK
Is it time to re-examine the way your accounts payable team handles supplier invoices? This guide lays...

Global Bankruptcy Report 2017
Global economic growth forecasts have been revised downwards almost every year since the financial crisis,...

10 things you should know about newly empowered automotive consumers
Power and influence in the automotive industry have dramatically shifted from the companies that make...

2021 Professional Services Maturity Benchmark
Service Performance Insight (SPI), LLC is a global research, consulting and training organization dedicated...

Reimagining Enterprise Risk: A Global Study
Finance leaders must reckon with risk and what this means today is very different from what it meant...

Beyond the bond bull
Building stronger fixed income portfolios in a post-recovery market. While fixed income still plays an...

The Buyer's Guide To Financial Management Software
Managing your company's financials is the backbone of your business and is vital to the long-term health...

Find new growth opportunities with business model innovation
The world is changing faster than ever, but new opportunities mean that now is the time for your business...

Concur Audit: Closing the gap in compliance
At Concur, we receive a lot of questions about the best way to audit expense claims. Often the approaches...

The reputation and value of ERP has deteriorated over time because it's too complex, doesn't meet the...

Cybersecurity Crisis-Planning Checklist
Tips for Planning and Ensuring Business Continuity with Zscaler. In uncertain times, a CxO's first priority...

The Finance Mountaineer's View of the Enterprise Risk Landscape
The modern, interconnected business world demands a modern vision of what risk means. Finance leaders...
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